Rics Backyard warm up
San Jose, California
March 28th, 2009
- Overall - 3rd place (Ok, it's only 10 teams)
- Chicken - 5th place
- Ribs - 6th place
- Tri Tip - DAL at 9th place
- Mystery Meat (Beef short ribs) - 1st place
Full results
Rics backyard warmup was an awesome event as always. It's only 10 teams so the numbers look better than they
otherwise would be in a sanctioned BBQ competition event of 40 teams or so.
We had some problems all around with the normal meats, but that's exactly why we have the backyard warm up -
plus the open format feedback from the judges is priceless heading into the competition season.
There was the 1st place mystery meat that's worth a mention - after much angst leading up to that morning, we
learn the mystery meat is beef short ribs. Pam and I quite pleased, I've been producing beef ribs par-excellence
(and I don't mind bragging so myself) for a couple years now.
So short ribs, shmort ribs! I'm cooking beef spare ribs, meaty cut - that was my approach - BBQ, not brazed.
Looks like the judges will back up my bragging too.